Print vs digital, by Gaia Manco for DW

Print vs. digital: Flaneur magazine celebrates life offline – Article for DW online

One street at a time, Flaneur digs into human stories at the local level. But don’t expect to find the tales online. Though the print-only magazine flirts with global and local media, it shies from a big online presence.

It’s a fragmented literary perspective,” said Fabian Saul, 27, who edits the magazine with Grashina Gabelmann, 25. “It’s interdisciplinary: we work with writers, musicians, illustrators.”

Read the article on Deutsche Welle 

Print vs digital, by Gaia Manco for DW Print vs digital, by Gaia Manco for DW


Date 27.011.2013
Type: Feature article
Outlet: Deutsche Welle
Place: Leipzig
Note: Featured on the Culture homepage for over a week!