Notes of protest, DW
Getting trained as a musician in Leipzig has long been tuition-free for everyone. But now the conservatory has announced steep tuition for non-EU students. Students are protesting in the way they know best: with music.
Walking through Leipzig’s city center on a cold May afternoon, I could hear young people of all nationalities chanting an impeccable version of “Carmina Burana” in front of the conservatory’s main building. The artistic flash mob was the last of a series of free concerts and theatrical demonstrations that students organized all over the city in response to the news that a new tuition for non-European students was to be introduced at Leipzig’s prestigious music school.
The Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Conservatory of Music and Theater is one of the first universities in Germany to introduce tuition fees for students coming from outside the European Union. Previously, university education was free for everyone – regardless of where students came from – in most of Germany’s 16 states, including Saxony, where Leipzig is located… Read the full article here (DW website)
Date 27.05.2013
Type: Feature article + pictures
Outlet: Deutsche Welle
Place: Leipzig
Note: Featured as “Editor’s choice” on DW homepage!
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