He may be blind, but 20-year-old Eric is determined to see change in his country, Gabon. He makes his living singing rap songs, weaving the…
Gut 30 Jahre hat es gedauert, nun will der Pharmakonzern Glaxo Smith Kline den ersten Malaria-Impfstoff auf den Markt bringen: RTS,S heißt der Wirkstoff, der…
Figures from the World Health Organization suggest that malaria infects more than 200 million people every year – causing 700,000 deaths around the world. About…
My first article in German! With pictures! (I didn’t write it myself in German, though) In Gabun erkrankt jedes Kind durchschnittlich einmal im Jahr an…
Eleven research centers in Africa are completing the testing of a malaria vaccine, which, if approved and introduced to the market, could reduce the number…