In May 2015 I began a new (and extremely fulfilling) adventure: I host a weekly radio show on Africa news on Radio Bullets (Italian): Yebo!…
Sì, era un pesce di Aprile: non sto abbandonando tutto per dedicarmi ai gelati! (Bastava cliccare sul nuovo sito della gelateria per scoprirlo…) Non c’è…
Naturalmente continuerò a scrivere ed a presentare, ma concentrandomi sulla cucina, su gelati e torte in particolare. Da quando sono arrivata in Sudafrica ho cominciato…
I am deeply grateful for what I learned at Bournemouth University (MA Multimedia Journalism, 2011) so when they asked me to write about my experience…
Le Donne Visibili is more than a blog: it is a meeting point for women who want to be seen and heard politically and professionally….
If I was editor-in-chief today my radio station would quote Charlie Hebdo at the start of every show. My publication would run Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons…
As a recipient of the Media Ambassador fellowship of the Robert Bosch Foundation (Germany), I had the opportunity to deepen my understanding of China, research…