E’ stata ritenuta irrazionale la decisione di non processare l’attuale presidente del Sudafrica, Jacob Zuma. Lo ritiene l’Alta Corte di Giustizia di Pretoria che ha…
Ve lo dico già: questa è solo la prima richiesta diretta che riceverete da me quest’anno. Ce ne saranno probabilmente altre. Perché da produttrice di…
The Italian new migrants’ poster girl is back! I was interview by the -very nice- producers of Cartoline dall’altra Italia, Agenzia Giornalistica 9Colonne There are…
Thanks to Accidentally in Joburg, to my work on Yebo! and to my presence in the community Donne che Emigrano all’Estero, I earning a bit…
Le Donne Visibili is more than a blog: it is a meeting point for women who want to be seen and heard politically and professionally….
Another live report from Beijing for the Italian radio. This time I talk about the APEC Summit that is ending today in Beijing. Did you…
I didn’t expect my first gig as a German journalist in China to be on… Italian radio. Tiananmen Square was full of umbrellas, but I’m…