Eleven research centers in Africa are completing the testing of a malaria vaccine, which, if approved and introduced to the market, could reduce the number…
I’m proud to present the first of a series of short films that I am creating with film-maker Alina Cyranek about the city of Leipzig…
Last week, more than a thousand skilled apprentices competed against each other for the gold medal in their trade – everything from car painting to…
Which battles are you involved in? European artists provide answers 200 years after Napoleon’s defeat at the Battle of Nations in Leipzig. Their experimental communal…
Getting trained as a musician in Leipzig has long been tuition-free for everyone. But now the conservatory has announced steep tuition for non-EU students. Students…
Lontani dalle mete di emigrazione tradizionali, alcuni italiani hanno raggiunto il successo nell’impresa, nell’arte e nella cultura a Lipsia, in Sassonia. Tre di loro si…
On World press freedom day (well, night) I learned about the Huffington Post opening in Germany soon. I am skeptical about these publishing systems that pay…